Sunday, April 3, 2016

Enjoying the garden with birds and wildlife

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
It is something priceless when you can reap beauty that does not belong to you.  The garden is well established now and the fun is just about to begin.  Its time to begin to enjoy the garden with birds and other wildlife.   The joy of having the garden visited by these beautiful creatures is unspoken happiness.  The morning air today was filled with the twitter and calls of the Orange-bellied flowerpecker, Spotted-necked dove and Magpie-robin.  Closer to ground there were butterflies and dragonflies.  I noticed one dragonfly was resting on the Cape gooseberry plant (Physalis peruviana) belonging to the Tomato family, that has been growing luxuriously on this 53rd trip to Kuching.  I guess I'll have the gooseberry fruits for lunch later.

(Note:  This is a re-posting.  For full story and images please follow this link  ....>>>>  )

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